Who Won Big, and How to Catch Up With Them

“[M]any hundreds of hours were devoted to developing the project and writing about it, by many parties, with extensive review and revisions..winning happens via collaboration.”

Being a Leader as EPA Application Deadline Approaches

“The bigger narrative that we’re all a part of is that transportation is moving to electric, moving from internal combustion engines (diesel, propane, gas and compressed natural gas) to electric propulsion”

Looking Behind The Curtain On Charging

Charging software manages both timing and power level of your charging. The software works with the chargers and reads the State of Charge on DC Chargers and can show you charging sessions for all chargers.

EPA’s Money Cannon Booms Again: $500m For (Mostly) Electric School Buses

[E]specially valuable [in this new funding round]: non-prioritized districts now being included, because every district needs a chance to get started on ESBs. Also, the new wheelchair lift allowance, because students with disabilities are more vulnerable than average to toxic diesel emissions. Also, their buses do much more idling than general education buses as the wheelchair lift is deployed.

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